(Almost) everything you need to know about bus services in York and North Yorkshire!

See region, area and town maps for the whole region, showing frequent, occasional and seasonal services
Park & Ride

Park & Ride services in York and Scarborough mean you can avoid the hassle and expense of city-centre parking with fast, frequent buses from the edge of town
Fares and tickets

Information on fares, tickets and passes available on buses across the region, including PlusBus, the add-on for train tickets
Real-time information

Find out if your bus is running on time!
Up-to-the-minute information on where buses are and when they will turn up
Bus companies

Contact details for all bus companies operating in the area
See all the services operated by each company
Special events

Services over Easter and the bank holiday weekends
Tour buses in Scarborough, Whitby and York
Special events, such as York Races and the Great Yorkshire Show
Seasonal services, including Moorsbus and Dalesbus

A guide to which bus routes usually use low-floor buses that are accessible to wheelchair users